About us

Your chemical partner since 1942.

At Barcelonesa we are more than just a supplier or chemical specialist.

At Barcelonesa we believe that only by establishing solid and lasting relationships will we be able to grow and advance as a company, people and society. For this reason our ourpose is to collaborate closely with our customers and partners to guarantee chemical solutions that maximize efficiency, reliability, response and sustainability in all sectors of activity.

For us, the key to success is to integrate ourselves into the reality of your company, establishing a solid and lasting relationship, working hand in hand with your team, and collaborating with each stakeholder. That is our formula to guarantee chemical solutions that maximize efficiency, reliability, responsiveness and sustainability. A formula that already helps more than 2,000 customers in over 50 countries.

About us

Find out more about us and our history.


This is our story

Our history is part of our DNA and makes us who we are. Our history begins with Enric Collell Aguilà, our founder. Surely not even he imagined what ”la Barcelonesa” will end up being.

Enjoy the journey through the most important moments of our journey in the chemical industry up to the present day. Let’s get started!

  • 1942
    Nace Barcelonesa.

    En 1942 se funda Barcelonesa, sociedad en comandita de Collell, Marcos y Mussons.

    Se instalan en un humilde local de 100m² en pleno centro de la ciudad de Barcelona para dar servicio a talleres y pequeña industria que renacia en la Ciudad de Barcelona.

    En plena autarquia,  los productos químicos escaseaban y Barcelonesa ayudaba a sus clientes a funcionar con sus productos.

  • 1959
    Nos trasladamos a un nuevo local más grande.

    Nos trasladamos a un nuevo local más grande en l’Hospitalet (Barcelona) de 1.000 m².

    El nuevo espacio permitió a Barcelonesa seguir creciendo sin prisa pero sin pausa.

  • 1977
    Compra del distribuidor Canals & Llaudís

    Tiene lugar la compra del distribuidor Canals & Llaudís, dedicada principalmente al negocio de la Sosa Cáustica.

    En ese mismo año, nos trasladamos a Cornellá de Llobregat (Barcelona), a unas instalaciones de más de 6.000m².

  • 1992
    Construimos nuestras instalaciones en cornellá

    En 1992 nueva planta de 20.600 m² y oficinas centrales en Cornellà de Llobregat (Barcelona). Crecemos sin prisa pero con firmeza, obtenemos importantes Sellos de Calidad al trabajo de todo el equipo de Barcelonesa.

  • 2004
    Compra de Barnastock y BDtrans. Consolidación del Grupo Barcelonesa.

    Damos otro gran paso que nos afianza como empresa de referencia del sector. Barcelonesa adquiere el grupo Barnastock aumentando la capacidad de gestión de productos en 26.000 m² y sumando un equipo especializado en logística.

  • 2005
    Compra de Euronitro.

    Barcelonesa compra EURONITRO, SA,  compañia distribuidora de productos químicos orgánicos y especialidades, completando así su presencia en el amplio dominio de las materias primas químcas para cualquier industria. 

  • 2011
    Constituimos nuestra filial Barcelonesa Portugal.

    Constituimos nuestra filial en Portugal para la expansión en toda la Península. En la actualidad contamos con nuestro almacén que nos permite cubrir la zona de Portugal y Galicia. 

  • 2015
    Constituimos nuestra filial Barcelonesa Algerie

    Constituimos nuestra filial en Argelia para la expansión en el norte de África. Disponemos de almacén cerca de Argel.

  • 2020
    Constituimos nuestra filial Barcelonesa France.

    Constituimos nuestra filial en Francia para cubrir la zona sur de Europa. 

Our figures

Find out the main indicators of our activity during the year 2020.

years of experience in our sector are our guarantee.
+ 0
Professionals to provide
you solutions.
+ 0
Tonnes of product
handled per year.
+ 0 K
References of products,
qualities and origins.
+ 0
Countries where we
generate business.
+ 0
Customers who trust us.
+ 0

Worldwide Presence

Find out where we are present and where we have customers and suppliers who trust us to offer them the best service.


From its headquarters in Barcelona, the most important logistics center in southern Europe, and through its logistics platforms strategically located in the Iberian Peninsula, Algeria and France, Barcelonesa offers the best solutions for the needs of companies and industries of all production sectors.

Rest of the world

Furthermore, and continuing with the internationalisation of Barcelonesa’s commercial presence, we also have commercial representation in countries such as the United States, the Dominican Republic, Italy, India and Japan: United States, Dominican Republic, Italy, India or Japan as well as the delegations established in Algeria, France and Portugal. We also have Commercial Agents in Peru and South Korea.

Purchasing and
Sales Areas

Barcelonesa seeks and finds the most suitable raw materials from the best sources for each sector of activity in the main international markets. We work closely with customers and suppliers to transport and store their products in the most suitable means, with the maximum levels of security, and deliver them at the agreed time anywhere in the world.

Our Values

These are the principles that guide us in our day-to-day work as a company and that reflect who we are with our customers and suppliers.

  • Professionalism: We get involved in your business with the ultimate commitment to always offer you the best result.
    Agility: We adapt to changes and resolve them quickly to provide you with the solution that best suits your needs.
    Closeness: We work hand in hand with you to build solid and trustworthy relationships.

If you want to know more about our values and culture, check our “work with us” page.

What are emotions?

We know that these are chemical reactions that are triggered in our brain and that require balance, a perfect balance.

At Barcelonesa we seek that balance. We know about chemistry and we co-create emotions, that’s why we work on knowing and offering the right elements so that our customers’ formula is perfect.

This is the only way to achieve good chemistry, together. Because the balance of chemistry is in each of us, as humans, as essence.