
Barcelonesa’s certificates guarantee quality, safety and respect for the environment

Barcelonesa’s Corporate Management Policy is based on ensuring the highest quality standards for the products and/or services it offers, as well as its commitment to caring for the environment and the health and safety of people.

To uphold this commitment, we have a series of certificates and accreditations in different categories that help us to improve our systems and strengthen the sustainable development of our activities in the chemical sector.

Management certificates

These are global certificates listed in the documents we deliver to our clients or suppliers and which help us to comply with their requirements.  We hold the following certificates:

ISO 9001 / ISO 14001: these certify the quality management and environmental management of all the products offered by Barcelonesa, from raw materials to specialities.

Safety and Quality Assesment Systems (SQAS): the safety management system in Barcelonesa is assessed by means of the SQAS, a process based on checking compliance with the quality, safety and environmental requirements defined for the chemical industry.
The SQAS system, owned by the European Chemical Industry Council (CEFIC), provides us with a detailed report which we assess on a regular basis to then propose improvements to our safety systems.

Responsible Care: It consists of a voluntary global initiative which commits the Chemical Industry to sustainable development. For more information on the Responsible Care Programme.

European Feed Additives and PreMixtures Quality System (Fami QS): Barcelonesa is a FAMI-QS-certified company, the purpose of which is to guarantee the safety, legal compliance and quality of animal nutrition and to uphold best practices for the use of additives in feed and premixes

Association certificates

These are certificates that confirm membership of associations related to the chemical sector in general or a specific sector of activity. Barcelonesa belongs to the following associations:

Asociación Española de Empresas de Tratamiento y Control de Aguas: AQUA Spain represents and promotes the interests and competitiveness of companies involved in the Water Treatment and Control sector, such as Barcelonesa.

Barcelonesa manages and develops specific products that guarantee sustainable water management, offering a complete service that includes the storage, logistics, packaging, formulation and management of residues, while always ensuring respect for the environment and the safety of people. If you would like further information, see our Water Treatment section.

Asociación Española del Comercio Químico: Barcelonesa has formed part of the AECQ for 19 years. This association offers us a platform for sharing common problems and experiences related to our professional activities.

Asociación de Fabricantes y Comercializadores de Aditivos y Complementos Alimentarios: The AFCA gives us all the information we need on food additives and supplements, so we can offer our customers a more transparent and optimal service.

PlusChem: Since 2017, Barcelonesa has been a member of the PlusChem European Alliance, a network of independent distributors of speciality chemicals which was founded as a way to compete with the world’s large multinational chemical distributors. You can find details about PlusChem in the post about our alliance with this european network of chemical distributors.

Asociación de Industrias de Acabados de Superficies: Barcelonesa has belonged to the AIAS since 2017 thanks to its presence in the metal and plastic treatment and coating, chemical and electrolytic treatment and paint and plastic sectors. Check out the pages about Steel pickling and galvanasing, Aluminium brightening and anodising and Electropolishing and stripping of stainless steel.

Product certificates

These indicate that the products we sell comply with a specific regulation. The logos are shown on the product labels.

HALAL guarantee: Barcelonesa produces, packages and markets food additives that comply with the Islamic Council Regulation on Halal Food

Andalusian Organic Agriculture Council: this is a certificate specific to the agrochemical sector which identifies which raw materials that can be used and under what conditions to ensure organic farming.

BCS OKO Garantie: this body certifies the natural origin of products and their suitability for use in organic farming.

Packaging certificates

Certificates related to the packaging management for the products we market. We hold the following certificates:

Packaging deposit, return and refund system (SDDR): the SDDR allows us to recover packaging previously supplied to end customers, which is marked with the previous symbol.

The packager charges the customer a deposit, which is then refunded when the packaging is returned.

Ecoembes: this logo on packaging guarantees that when it is turned into waste it will be recycled and recovered by means of the Integrated Management System.

We at Barcelonesa are committed to the sustainable development of our activity, we uphold respect for the environment and we care about the health and safety of all the people who contribute to the company’s daily operations.

If you want to know more you can check out our product and services pages and get a quote.

Picture of Barcelonesa

