
Pigments, so much more than just a dash of colour

In industry, it’s common to apply pigments to resin for reasons that are often merely aesthetic. Nevertheless, pigments so much more than just a dash of colour. Handling, compatibility, sun resistance, toxicity and, why not, price, are some of the main concerns companies have when using pigments in their resins. Making the right or wrong purchase can make a big difference.

“Because of their savings in energy, personnel and cleaning, the new ‘ready-to-use’ pigments, with their option to be used in situ, are our most requested”, states Pedro Alves, Business Development Manager, Coatings & Composites, for the Grupo Barcelonesa. “Before, to pigment liquid paints, people traditionally used powdered pigment solutions, which meant they had to be prepared, a process that entails more dirtiness, more labour, and higher energy use”, Alves explains.

Another significant requirement companies have is that a single pigment be applicable to various types of resins: “Quite often, each type of resin requires a different pigment, so having one pigment that functions for up to three resins (PU, Epoxi and PMMA), like Senaflor (from Saville-Whittle), is a major advance”, the Barcelonesa expert indicates.

Colour isn’t a minor topic either. “It’s necessary to offer the client the widest variety possible. At Barcelonesa, we already have a range of 35 RAL references and can develop additional bespoke colours”, explains Pedro Alves. On the other hand, “the goal is to offer strong pigments that are resistant to the sun’s UVA rays and whose colour doesn’t fade over time”, adds the Grupo’s spokesperson.

No less important is the toxicity of the pigments, which can include volatile organic compounds (VOCs). VOCs can be harmful to people’s health and the environment. For the safety of employees and the end consumer, it is advisable that pigments be free from VOCs.

All these industry ‘demands’ and trends must be accompanied by competitive prices, fast delivery, and a good after-sales service. To fulfill all these expectations, Grupo Barcelonesa places its trust in pigment supplier Saville-Whittle, a multinational company with over 100 years of experience. Barcelonesa is its only official distributor within the Iberian Peninsula.

Thanks to Saville-Whittle, Barcelonesa can offer its clients “‘read-to-use’ pigments that are compatible with up to three different resins (PU, Epoxi and PMMA), free from VOCs, and in a wide range of colours and the option to design bespoke colours; all at highly competitive prices and with a maximum delivery period of just one week”, ensures Pedro Alves. Saville-Whittle also has a specific team that works continuously on improving its pigments to ensure that they continue to be more than just a dash of colour.

Picture of Juan Carlos Montoro

Juan Carlos Montoro


Responsable Sector de Actividad

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